Tuesday, April 7, 2009

I am currently in is Black Student Union. The Black Student Union is an organization that is willing to extend opportunity for students to grow and learn to be supportive in our environment. The group promotes students to be involved with other African American students. The organization makes sure that the students emphasize on making the right decision toward school and their life. The reason why I wanted to join Black Students Union is because I wanted to help the members promote other races so the group can be more diverse. I wanted more people around campus to learn about the group and want to join by promoting for more races to join instead of just African American. How I am targeting my audience about Black Student Union is telling other races to come out and join. I am telling everyone it does not matter what color of skin you are, we want you to be willing to join and learn about what we do in our organization. How I am using my flyers and brochure is letting all the students know we need new memberships and we do not matter what races you are. Letting the students know that this organization would help you as a better person by respecting all races that are in this world and not just on campus. How I will engage my audience by letting them know this organization is helping in everyway by the students networking with other students in the group and on campus and the community. The head coordinate makes sure everyone is staying focused on our school work and making sure we know what we have to do for promoting our events for our group. The difficulties we have will be our group feeling comfortable joining the organization because of the group name. Students assume that it is just for African American to join and not other races.

1 comment:

  1. I am a little confused at the way you are wording your sentences, but I can understand what you are promoting. I think that it is wonderful that we have clubs/groups that are diverse and promote diversity. Learning about the different races and cultures around the world is a wonderful way of letting others take a walk in other people's shoes. You explain briefly what you will do with your public literacty; give more examples and how they will affect your audience. Overall, though, great topic. Good luck!
