Tuesday, February 3, 2009

When the First Lady came to Evansville
Everyone was excited that Michelle Obama was coming to Harrison High School to speak to the public. A couple of days before Michelle arrived to Evansville the Secret Service were everywhere in my school to clear the area in attempt to keep Michelle safe. My principle was telling all the students in my school that if they wanted to go hear her speak, they had to get a ticket in the office. He was telling everyone at school that we had to be on our best behavior when she arrived. The day had finally come for Michelle to arrive.
Before Michelle entered the school grounds, everyone was outside standing in line waiting to get a seat. The doors opened at 9:30 a.m. for the public to come in, but the students were allowed to come in at 9 a.m. Michelle Obama was arriving at the school at10:30a.m. When it began to get closer to 10:30, everyone was getting anxious. The time had finally arrived; everyone that was sitting close by the door could see Michelle walk inside. We all stood up yelling out Michelle Obama’s name while she was walking inside the building. As she walked her way to the podium, she told everyone to have a seat.
As she began to speak, she was telling everyone “Thank you” and that she felt extremely welcome in the state of Indiana. She was telling everyone how she couldn’t believe that she might be the next First Lady of the United States of America. She also explained that hers daughters are so excited that their daddy really could become the next president. What she talked about was mostly “National Public” because she explained how her husband is going to make a change that would apply to the whole entire nation. How this is a “Local Public” example is because Michelle Obama was in my home town. This is a “General Public” example because the election was part of our everyday news.
When she was almost done speaking, she told everyone it doesn’t matter who the best was, it mattered who would get the job done right in office. She was saying to everyone that just because Barack Obama is her husband it doesn’t mean that he will not do what he said he would do for the nation because he is a honest man. Michelle was saying it would probably be a new experience living in the White House if Barack got elected, especially for her daughters because they were used to having company, but not a lot of company. After Michelle spoke, our high school band played two selections for Michelle Obama. Some people that were close to the podium were allowed to shake Michelle’s hand. A lot of people were taking pictures of her and some were allowed to take pictures with her. I will never forget that day because the First Lady of America was in our school.